March 29, 2025
Ecommerce photography in mumbai

Are You Making These E-commerce Startup Mistakes??

E-commerce is a fast-growing business. The rise in technological development has lead to increase in selling of products. We get everything online whether it be the books or the home decor.

It is not necessary that every e-commerce startup becomes a success. There are many who are struggling for some fame in the e-commerce field since years. If you are planning for an e-commerce startup, you should have a thorough knowledge about the field. Don’t worry we are here to help you with it.

Here are few mistakes you should definitely avoid

  • Putting features before strategies

A good looking website puts a good impression on the customers. It will increase the number of viewers but not buyers. For increasing the buyers, you need to have a plan or a strategy. You need to have the knowledge of how you fit your startup in the e-commerce field. Prior plannings are very important and they can help you know where you stand.

  • Disorganized email list

To keep yourself out of all the paid advertisements and content,  grow your email list fast and early. Emailing is one of the most effective ways to get in touch with a max number of customers for free. Have a proper email list and manage it efficiently otherwise, you won’t be able to reach out to people instead of having the most amazing website.

  • Imprecise measuring of success

You should always measure you success from year-to-year and not from quarter-to-quarter. Like measuring your June site traffic  and May site traffic is not an effective measuring technique as the may month is bit slower. Like the retailers, measure from May to May and June to June.

  • No promotion strategy

Promotions help you reach maximum customers and so lead to maximum profit. Always have a promotion strategy ready in advance. Determine when you will have the sale or any discounts on your brand.

  • Selecting poor advertising partners

Choose your advertising partners wisely. As few advertising organizations are famous but do not produce great results. When choosing, always ask for rate, CTR, open rate, and frequency of the sponsorship of the advertising organization.

  • Misunderstanding the supply and demand balance

There are cases where you have more products with you but they don’t result in sales. Not just the inventory management, but have a check on your supply and demand chain. Understand the sales of your products, how many consumers are going to consume the products and how many are not. Have a good balance between the supply and demand chain.

If you are doing the above mistakes, avoid it, try to work on it and become a successful entrepreneur. Further, if any help is needed you can contact us.

We provide best Ecommerce photography services, if you need such services then please let us know.


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