February 21, 2025
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Emails Your E-commerce Store Needs to Be Able to Send Out on an Automated Basis

The world is facing an internet revolution and the shopping experience is no exception to that. We are living in the age where e-commerce sites have taken over our product buying experience and are dominating it increasingly. In such a scenario, our physical communication with the customers isn’t possible anymore. However, it is still very necessary. In such a case, email remains a flexible and very feasible option. It also proves to be better than the social networks. It is direct and simple in its approach, and it continues to adapt to the ever-evolving marketplace.Email marketing allows us to send longer, targeted messages to our leads and customers.

These emails can be of various types and for a variety of types of customers. In this article, we will be discussing the kind of emails your website should be sending out in an automated fashion to boost your business


  • Welcome Series

The welcome message that will be sent to the customer as soon as they make a purchase or subscribe to your service will be your first impression. You need to get this one right because he welcome message can determine the likelihood or frequency that they’ll open your subsequent emails. The welcome message will thus make or break your relationship.


While drafting your welcome message to keep the following points in mind:

Offer a discount or free trial as an incentive to subscribe. This can help you increase your conversion rate and will keep them excited to open the following emails.

Make sure your provider sends the autoresponder email immediately after a new user subscribes because this way their last action will still be on the top of their mind.

Include CTAs to follow you on social media or to check out your blog. This will help them know you better.

Avoid spam trigger words so as your emails do not land in promotions.


  • Abandoned Cart Reminders

These will make sure that we don’t forget about what we were planning to buy before we got distracted. Email automation software like GetResponse and MailChimp help you to ensure that your autoresponders are sent out at an optimized time. These tools even have a built-in feature for the purpose of sending abandoned cart emails.


To maximize conversions with your abandoned cart reminders, you can:

Offer discounts for the product in the reminder message.

Use a curiosity-piquing subject line like “Did you forget something?”

Let users know that supply is low or that the amount of time they’ll hold your item is running out

Add an authentic, positive user review


  • Post-Purchase Follow Up

Following up after a purchase is made will let your customer know how much you value him or her. This will indirectly help to build a good rapport with your customer. This will also make them realize that their satisfaction is your priority even after the payment is received.

Great post-purchase follow up emails may include these elements:

Ask for a review outright, and make it easy to leave one. A UGC marketing tool can be a major help with this.

At the bottom of the email, display a few products that are similar to the ones purchased, or products that go well with them.

Thank your customer once again for their purchase.

Include information about product care, product use cases, or a product FAQ.


  • Educational Content

This type of an email will be very crucial to your customers while building rapport – it helps cultivate the feeling that you’re invested in their success and enjoyment.

The email will basically have content centered around your brand. It will help the customers know your brand better. This can consist of little things like product use ideas, maintenance best practices, or even less actionable information like the back-stories that went into their invention or production.


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